Orientation Schedule for August 19th***
Confirmation Year 1:11am
Confirmation Year 2: 12pm
Middle School: 1pm
*Registration: August 13th and 14th 3-5pm, or any Monday through Thursday, 8:30am-4pm in the school office.

Hello Everyone!

After much deliberation, we have decided on the days for the confirmation classes, middle school youth, and high school youth.

For both year 1 and year 2 Confirmation, you will have the choice to either take your classes on Sunday mornings from 11am-12:30pm in the Fall season, or on Thursday evenings from 6-7:30pm in the Spring season. (Year 1 will meet in the 6th Grade classroom, and Year 2 will meet in the Library).

It is also expected that we will see you at the Wednesday night youth nights, and/or the once-a-month Service Saturdays.

There will be no “spiritual” and “service” hours that you are required to obtain, but we do need to see you coming to ALL of your classes (if you miss one during your session, you need to make it up the next session), and 50% or more of the youth nights/service days. This is to encourage you to focus on your own faith formation through participation, and should hopefully make your life easier.

Middle School Youth (formerly known as Edge) will meet Tuesday evenings from 6-7:30pm in the Multipurpose Room.

High School Youth (formerly known as Life Teen) will meet Wednesday evenings from 6-7:30pm in the Hall.

Service Saturdays are open for 6-12th grade, and are one Saturday a month. Time and place dependent on type of service.

Registration forms are attached to this post, and also under documents here on this website. You can print and scan it (along with a copy of your baptism and first communion certificates) and email it to youth@strosecv.com, and pay on the church’s website and annotate the payment is for confirmation and which student it’s for. Or, you can come into the school office and pay Jackie and she has blank forms.

-Year 1 tuition includes the Year 1 retreat and your classroom materials.
-Year 2 tuition covers the books we will be providing and classroom materials.
-Middle School tuition covers the Middle School youth day.
-High School youth nights are free! Just come!

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